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Sony Tablet has 'died' for no reason


Sony Tablet has 'died' for no reason

Really weird - the item is less than 3 months old and the screen no longer turns on? It charges the device when I plug it in but it never actually boots - anyone else had that problem? If so any way to remedy the problems?

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Well, I got my tablet back on Friday (with a new motherboard) which is pretty impressive as it was only picked up on Tuesday and had to go back to France so credit to Sony for that.

However as feared, the internal memory had been totally wiped and the Tablet came to me exactly as when I bought it. Even the android version was back to the original Honeycomb not ICS that I had updated too.

Am I expecting too much that as least the operating system should have been put back to latest one that I had on it? As it happened when I connected it to my WiFi it picked up on the ICS update and it was the very latest (4.0.3 release 1a) that has just been released, and I would have updated to that anyway but that is not the point. Shouldn't a product come back from repair with the latest operating system loaded?

So far I reckon I have put in about 4 or 5 hours work loading apps and customising it and it still isn't fully back to how it was. One of the bigger jobs that I now have to do that I didn't think about is re-programming all of the TV and AV IR remote control settings which are all gone including all learned commands and customised keys. That alone will be another hour or two's work 😞

I obviously want to avoid losing all the settings again once I've got it back to how I want it, so am open to any suggestions for any way of a complete backup to a cloud or the removable sd card or anyway of avoiding going though this again. I use ADW and have regularly backed up the settings and desktop, but of course that is backed up to the internal sdcard and was all lost!

If I just copy the whole of the contents of the internal sd card and/or the internal file system across to a directory on the removable one, would that restore all settings on copying back?