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Why do my MDR-RF810RK headphones cut out after 4 minutes.

Why do my MDR-RF810RK headphones cut out after 4 minutes.

I purchased my first set of earphones about 6 months ago and after a few times of use they started to cut out, so I returned them to the shop where I bought them and exchanged them for a new pair.

At the first time of use they also cut out after about 4 minutes, but as it was Christmas and we were going away I was going to leave returning them until we returned.

Unfortunately when we returned we had suffered a burst pipe and were out out the house for 5 months, hence the delay in sorting the earphones out. I again returned to the store and they obligingly replaced these earphones,MDR-RF810RK, I charged them up overnight and tried them this morning

, you've guest it they cut out after about 4 minutes. Is it me or is there something inherently wrong with this particular model.


HI, I must be lucky mine last for 120 minutes, and then I get a loud hisssing noise. If I disconnect from the TV for 30 minutes they come back on but only last for 40 minutes. Batteries are brand new. Infact so are the headphones this is the second pair I have tried so if anyone can help please do so I'm completly at a loss.