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Walkman A Series error on start-up

Walkman A Series error on start-up

Whenever i try to load up my walkman A series i am getting the following error message - "There is a possibility that the connection has been canceled during transfer. Please cinnect to compliant software or device and transfer data again."

The problem is i was out when this message first appeared, and it had been working about 30 mins ago. I have tried connecting it to my PC, and have to some issues it finally connected. However if i try to transfer a song with the software both the walkman and the computer freezes (i have tried this on multiple computers) i can open up the device in explorer and see the playlists and videos sections, but if i attempt to open the music folder the device freezes and the computer grinds to a halt.  I have sumbitted a support ticket and updated it but stll had no reply.

I am lost without this walkman as i use it every day while travelling.

Any help or advice would be appreciated!




If you have a different cable that can be used to connect your Walkman and PC, then use it for the meantime. This is what I usually do and it absolutely works until I buy a new connector.