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Sony NW-A45, missing cover art solved,(For me). Use FLAC not WAV.

Sony NW-A45, missing cover art solved,(For me). Use FLAC not WAV.

I got my new Sony Walkman NW-A45 a couple of days ago. Prior to getting it I was reading on here about cover art not displaying after transfer to device. I used Music Centre for PC to import my CDs in WAV and FLAC, all cover art present & correct. (I did both cos I wanted to see if I could hear any real differences between the two formats). After reading carefully the guides etc about transferring to the device I filled it up with WAV. Low and behold, no cover art. I tried everything I could using the ... Properties link and selecting "Cover Art" but no joy. I gave up and decided to make some room for FLAC to see if I could hear any difference. I deleted a couple of WAV CDs and transferred a couple of CDs in FLAC format. Blow me down, all the cover art is there without exception. I couldn't detect any appreciable difference between WAV & FLAC so I'll use FLAC as I get the cover art. Next I'm going to buy an SD card so I can put all my CDs on. Now there's another can of worms.

Not applicable

Hi there,


Hopefully a community member will be able to help.


Best wishes,


I have searched for a solution on the web all day and not one answer that works.


I have mp3 files that when transferred to a 5 year old sony mobile has box art, no joy with this walkman. Tried direct from hdd to player and itunes, both don't work.


This is going back, horrible interface, but it would be nice if someone from sony actually knows what they are talking about and resolves this.


Shocking for what I would call a premium product.

Hi, I know how to get the artwork working for you. I personally don't have any flacs, I use mp3s however this will work regardless.

Download Tagscanner, once you've downloaded it launch and add your music, drag and drop will be fine. Only add a few thousand at a time as your virtual memory will run out when performing the following tasks otherwise. once you've added your music select them all in Tagscanner. Next on the top right near the middle of Tagscanner there should be a little blank image box with keep written next to it. while all your music is selected click on keep then first off resize your music artwork to 600x600 and click apply. after that is done resizing click on keep again, this time click on recompress and then apply.


these actions will change your embedded artworks from progressive format to 600x600 basic format images. The artwork should now show up perfectly in your NW a45. this method also makes the artwork work universally on 99% of devices and media players.

