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Wireless keyboard and mouse lose contact

Wireless keyboard and mouse lose contact

VGC-LN1M, Windows Vista.

Every few days or so, I come back to my PC after a break to find that the mouse and keyboard have lost contact with my PC.  The little antenna symbol on the keyboard no longer shows, and does not come back (as it normally does) when any keys are pressed.  Nothing happens if I try setting the keyboard and mouse up from scratch using the connect button on the back of the PC.  The batteries in both devices are just fine.  In this situation, I have (until very recently) had no choice but to hold the off switch down until the PC turns off, thus losing any data from open programs.    When rebooted from cold, everything is fine again until the next time.

I cannot help feeling that the problem is something to do with sleep/screensaver settings, as it has never occurred when I am actively working at the PC, just when I return to the PC and it's asleep or the screen-saver slide show is running.

It suddenly struck me that the PC might, when incommunicado by wireless, respond to a USB mouse, so the last time it happened I borrowed the one attached to my wife's laptop, and hooray, it broke the spell and woke up the sleeping princess.  Using the USB mouse I performed a restart, but this did not restore life to the wireless keyboard and mouse.  So I tried a full shut-down and start-up - that did the trick, and re-established communication with the wireless devices.

So today I have bought the cheapest possible USB mouse for occasional emergency use.  It's a solution but it doesn't fix the problem.  Is there a setting somewhere which would keep the keyboard/mouse connection alive indefinitely?


Michael Hooker

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