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My vgn-bx61mn is restricted to 1.5g memory but the chip set supports 4gb - why the constraint? Can I fit more than 1.5 gb and will it recognise it?
As you say, Sony say 1536MB is the maximum useable memory. Remember it is not only the chipset which dictates the maximum useable.
However,, which has an excellent reputation and guarantees compatibility, says that the BX-Series can accept 1024MB per slot which gives a total of 2048MB.
Most of us would trust Crucial but as they do not list your exact model, you may wish to phone Crucial and make sure they guarantee 2GB will work in your BX.
Looks like my VGN-BX61MN has 512mb nailed to the mother board as I can only see one memory slot that I can use. This would explain te 1.5gb constraint if I can only put 1gb in each slot. The 1gb limit per slot seems to be general. This seems to me to be very restrictibve on a machine delivered with Vista Business.