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VAIO VGN-NW11S/S instant web access

VAIO VGN-NW11S/S instant web access


I have a VAIO VGN-NW11S/S and would like to clean-install Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit. Can anyone tell me where I can find a driver for the Splastop Browser (the instant web access function when the WEB button is pressed)? Is a driver necessary or is this function controlled by the BIOS? I do not want to go ahead with the clean-install until I know the answer to this, otherwise I may be left with no instant web access and I find this function very useful. Does anyone know if it is relatively easy to access the hard drive as I was thinking of replacing it with a SSD?


You can reinstall QWA from your Recovery Partition, your Recovery discs or download it from Sony Vaio-Link Support here: -

As a last resort (at your own risk) you can get it from here: -

I'm afraid I have not seen a manual for the NW-Series but I expect the case has to be disassembled.


Hi Blencogo

Thanks a lot for your reply. I downloaded the file from the link you provided and installed it and the QWA works perfectly now.

I still have a few problems since clean-installing Windows 7 and would be grateful for your help.

More than 50% of the Win 7 drivers for this model, available from the Sony download site, have no .exe files therefore I do not know how to install them. How can I install a driver without a .exe file, and why would Sony make them available like this? It seems like a waste of time.

Some of the function keys do not work, importantly the screen brightness + and - (F5 and F6). The volume mute, - and + keys (F2, F3 and F4) all work. Do the volume keys have generic drivers but the others require special drivers?

I left the recovery partition on the hard drive but I am now unable to access it to get drivers / software. Is there any way I can access it to install drivers / applications? If not, I may as well delete it and use the space. I do have a set of recovery disks (you are welcome to a copy if you should need them) but the recovery partition is faster. I did not have much luck when trying to install from the disks but I suppose most of the Vista stuff is not suitable for Windows 7.

I hope Sony appreciates having someone as knowledgeable as you helping their customers the way that you do!

If the drivers have no .exe file, you will need to install them from within Device Manager.

Download the drivers to a folder where you can find them easily - C:\Drivers is as good as anywhere.  I'll use the 'Ethernet Driver (Marvell)' as an example - this has no .exe file but does have an installer .INF file (yk60x86.inf).  I am assuming you have installed the 32-bit Windows 7 Version. Open Device Manager and expand Network Adapters

1. Find this Network Device in Device Manager and double-click on it.

2. Go to Driver tab and select Update Driver.

3. Select Browse my computer for driver software.

4. Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.

5. Select Have Disk....

6. Select Browse....

7. Browse to the folder containing your downloaded driver .inf file. (C:\Drivers\7_UPG_EthernetDriver(Marvell)\yk60x86.INF)

8. Next ..........

9. If you get a warning screen, select "Install Anyway".

10. Close & Re-Boot

Other drivers without an .EXE can be installed in this way.

The Sony Utilities drive the Special Keys and these need to be installed IN ORDER: -

1.  Sony Shared Library

2.  Setting Utility Series

3.  VAIO Event Service

4.  VAIO Original Function Settings

Make sure you have installed the 7UPG_Graphics Driver (ATI) as well.

Good Luck and come back if you get stuck on anything and I'll help if I can.


Hi Blencogo

Thank you once again for all your excellent advice. Since following your clear instructions, everything I have tried works. I could not have done this without your help and it is good to know that you will help with any other problems I may come across.

That's good news!

Pleased to be able to help.


Hi Blencogo

Just recently I noticed that my volume mute switch is not working. I re-installed Sony Shared Library, Setting Utility Series, Vaio Event Service and Vaio Original Function Settings but it still does not work. You will see from my previous questions that I clean installed Windows 7. Is there another driver for the special function keys?

Roy Maisey