My Sony Vaio 14a multi flip laptop is refusing to charge.
Product code: 0000108798, SNY SVF14N2A4 ESAI.YG
The green light on the AC adapter is lit, but the battery light on the front of the laptop is off, as are the other two little lights.
it was working fine yesterday - holds its charge for a couple of hours normally, now all of a sudden it's dead! With all my work so far this week trapped in it!
I've tried holding the power button for 20 seconds, both with and without the power cable connected, but nothings changed.
there's no sign of any hard-reset pinholes anywhere - I've searched all around it, and the battery is enclosed in the laptop so a can't take that out to replace it or try another battery.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I work freelance and really don't want to have to tell my current employers that all my work so far this week is trapped in a dead box 😕