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Some problems/questions regarding VAIO VGN-BX197XP


Some problems/questions regarding VAIO VGN-BX197XP


I just bought a VAIO VGN-BX197XP and is quite satisfied with it except for a few issues.

1. The fan is very noisy and is sometimes running on full speed and sometimes it turns on and off. I've tried the updating to the latest BIOS but this doesn't resolve the issue.

2. When restarting this morning it was running scandisk (or what is it called nowadays) for half an hour reporting something like "Bad links in cluster".

3. There is no support for Firefox 1.5 in the included Protector Suite QL. There is an update on the manufacturers website but it isn't compatible with my computer.

4. The switch for bluetooth/wlan is a bit "loose" and not always responding, sometimes you need to flick it back and forth a few times to get it into the desired mode.

I would greatly appreciate any help/information regarding the above issues.

Best regards,



1) It's the norm for this model, check out the other comments others have posted

2) Let Scandisk do it's full repair - it should fix the links

3) I don't know that software so I can't help

4) I would notify VAIO-Link about this