Condividi la tua esperienza!
Hi to all,
in case you are looking for it, here is the original driver installed in the sony vaio VGN-FS115B to make the hotkeys (Fn) work again if you lost that function after a format and were not able to find them on the website.
The original driver is actually there, just not present in the italian website. It is available on the uk counterpart website.
I hope this maybe be useful to somebody who like me still uses this excellent and unbreakable machine.
Here is where you download it:
Just download Original Utilities Package and install the utils1 subfolder.
Messaggio modificato da edward.benison
Messaggio modificato da edward.benison
Risolto Andare alla soluzione.
thanks for reporting.
It will certainly be useful to those like you have this problem with this Vaio.
Thanks again.
Bye !