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Can't send files to laptop using bluetooth


Can't send files to laptop using bluetooth

i am having trouble sending files via bluetooth to my sony vaio laptop.i can send from my laptop but not from my phone.both are paired so im not sure what to do

Topic edited by Rickard


I remember using a program called Bluesoleil which can be found and downloaded from the below link


Me too can't send files from my Sony Xperia J to my computer (OS Windows 7 x64). I can send files from my PC to my telephone. I try with BlueSoleil but nothing differently. May be the problem come from Sony devices? I try to do on Windows XP OS,but i have same problem.

Please Help.

Thank you.


me too

please help quickly

thank you


Hi! even i m facing the same problem.. cannot send flie from my phone to my laptop..

Help Plz!!!!

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Had this issue with my Xperia J, and now have the same with my Z3 Compact, downloaded driver after windows couldn't find, still no joy. 


By default. most computers will not accept a file being sent to it over bluetooth. I believe this is for security reasons.

Before you send the file from the phone you need to set the bluetooth software you have in your PC to accept incoming files. How you do that exactly depends on what bluetooth software you have in the PC so that's hard for me to say. If you're using the default bluetooth software in Windows you will have a bluetooth icon in the system tray that you can right click and then select "Receive file". When you have selected this option, then try to send the file from the phone.

But if you don't see this option you are probably not using the standard Windows bluetooth software. In this case i recommend that you check the manual for the bluetooth adapter or that you contact the support for the adapter.

If you suspect there's something wrong with your phone you can try sending a file from it to another phone. It works in the same way so that way you can see if the issue is caused by the phone or the bluetooth software in the PC.



I used to have same problem: i couldn't transfer via BT from my XperiaZ to my Dell laptop but I can transfer from laptop to phone.


1. Go to the Drivers download section on the website of your laptop manufacturer.

2. Look for bluetooth drivers applicable to your laptop and operating system.

3. Download and restart your laptop.

4. Retry sending files from phone to laptop. Your laptop should now prompt you to accept/cancel. 

That's what I did, and now I'm once again able to transfer files from my phone to laptop.

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you should upload files to Google Drive or mediafire


After I updated drivers for 'Bluetooth Peripheral Device' in the Divice Manager in my Win 7 x64 (Lenovo G570), I could send files. Before it was not possible from phone to  Laptop, but the otherway.

I had two such devices, without proper drivers installed. For one, I selected as follows:

1. In Device Manger, right click the 'Bluetooth Peripheral Device' and select 'Update Driver...'
2. Select 2nd option: 'Browse My computer for driver software'
3. Click to choose 'Let me pick from a list of drivers on my computer'
4. From the listselect 'Ports (COM & LPT)'
5. Choose 'Microsoft' and then on the Model list : 'Standard Serial over Bluetooth link'.
Ignore the warning message and click 'Yes' to install. That is it.

For the second Bluetooth Peripheral Device, I selected Portable Devices -> Microsoft -> WPD Composite device

Then It worked for me. Logic, I don't know.


Resolved for me view this link

 You should always open page of receive file until receive a prompt message tell you to accept the sending file.

good luck