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Help!!!!! My RDR-HXD890 has lost ALL channels- no EPG - zilch - Whats going on? Is Sony going to fix the problems? Does anybody know?
I have tried all the possible scenario's but no luck!
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No freeview channels, EPG not working. Have tried everything in user manual but recorder now stuck displaying 'TUNING'. Can't get out of this even by pulling plug and starting again. Help please.
I've just sent an email to the Indepent (as in the newspaper) about this, hoping it might appear in some form or another on their website. I'd encourage others to do the same with other papers/websites. The more coverage this gets hopefully the faster it'll encourage Sony to stop *****ing about and actually sort it out.
Alexander: I downloaded and installed CDBurnerXP this morning - it's a lot simpler. Two minute job. The firmware install locked up at DOWNLOAD-5 like a few other people but I turned it off at the mains and now the recorder shows the firmware as the updated version. If you want my opinion tho, I wouldn't touch the firmware that was working yesterday with a bargepole - Let Sony sort it all out.
@Alexander-C wrote:I've just sent an email to the Indepent (as in the newspaper) about this, hoping it might appear in some form or another on their website. I'd encourage others to do the same with other papers/websites. The more coverage this gets hopefully the faster it'll encourage Sony to stop *****ing about and actually sort it out.
I'd be very surprised if the media picked this up to be honest. The media in general do not do technology news, unless its got business connotations with it. A failed PS3 update last month, rendered many thousands of PS3's as bricks for a couple of weeks. Your best bet to get in the media, are technology news websites such as The Register (but they dont operate over the weekend).
As Sony are aware of the problem now. Its a waiting game. But dont hold your breath of a Monday morning fix.
My concern of these updates are: Why do companies roll-out updates on a friday. Its bad practise. Tuesdays are generally the best day for updates.
My wife's now moaning she'll have to watch 'Casualty' tonight
I have managed to retune my hxd890 but it is now stuck auto setting the clock. Still have no epg and cannot see any digital channels. It was stuck in update mode from last night.. Hold on.... just retuned after setting to France as other posts have suggested. I seem to have channels but no guide. And the channel info thing at bottom of screen when you press "info" has changed colour. So far ok but still no guide.