
Bluray compatibility

Hi everyone. I was wondering if someone could advise me whether the Sony Blu Ray player I have my eye on, BDP S790 will be compatible with my Sony TV and Soundbar! And will it have all the necessary outputs to be able to get the full effect of sound/vision!? Also, what cables/leads I need to buy. The TV is KDL40W2000 (it's 8 years old but I love it) and the soundbar, also a Sony (can't remember the model number but possibly CT260) has 2 hdmi slots at the back and an optical slot which currently being used with sky hd (so bit an option to put anything in there) Thanks in advance 

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Hi there


According to the manual for your TV,  you should have 2 HDMI sockets at the back and supports resolutions upto 1080p.  So yes, this bluray player will work on your TV.


You can connect the Bluray player to the TV using a HDMI cable.


You mention a soundbar.  There are two versions: one without the HDMI ports (HT-CT260) and one with HDMI ports (HT-CT260h).  If you have the soundbar that has HDMI ports, you could connect the bluray player directly to the soundbar via HDMI as well.  


Either way will work.




Hi, it is 260H model, think there is one hdmi input and one output. Could you tell me the difference between input and output (lol) and which way round the cables would go between TV, bluray and soundbar as I'm not convinced I'll set it up properly. Thanks 

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Yep sure :slight_smile:


Note: The TV does not have HDMI Output (infact its extremely rare).


Connect as follows:

Soundbar (HDMI Out) to TV (HDMI In)

Bluray Player (HDMI Out) to Soundbar (HDMI In).


Just remember that you are sending video/audio OUT of the Bluray player and INTO the Soundbar, and then sending OUT the Video from the Soundbar and INTO the TV.


Hope this helps.



The soundbar is currently connected via the Sky+hd box  with an optical cable and not to the TV (so all the sound comes through the soundbar). Surely the bluray needs to be connected to the TV in some way?

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Sorry my fault - disregard what I said above - I forgot about the Sky Box


I have created this diagram below - this is how I would do it.  A direct connection between the Bluray to the TV is not needed as the soundbar will output the video to the TV via the HDMI Out.  Normally I would advise differently, but it appears that your TV does not have an optical out port.




Haha the TV is old (9 years) but I won't get rid unless I have to lol) So, avoiding to your diagram, which is excellent, thank you, I only need a bluray with ONE hdmi port as there's only one cable going into the soundbar and not two (which is the main reason I sourced this model) Looks simple enough to set up 🙂

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Good luck with everything.  Let me know how you get on anyway.  




Thank you so much for your help.I'll be buying the bluray at the weekend 🙂



Where did the original post go? It seems to have been deleted.


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