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Old style

Cosa sono i dati Exif?

I dati Exif registrano i settaggi della fotocamera utilizzata per fotografare o riprendere un video. Queste informazioni sono salvate nei file dalla fotocamera, e possono essere letti e visualizzati qui.

Scattata con Non Disponibile
Software Non Disponibile
Scattata il Non Disponibile
Valore Apertura Non Disponibile
Velocità Otturatore Non Disponibile
Bilanciamento del Bianco Non Disponibile
Stato Flash Non Disponibile
ISO Non Disponibile
Lunghezza Focale Non Disponibile
Modalità di ripresa Non Disponibile
Spazio Colore Non Disponibile
Obiettivo Non Disponibile
Old style

Piękne zdjęcie :slight_smile: Serdecznie gratuluję :slight_smile:

Красивая картинка! Поздравляю :thumbsup:

Jurors comment:


Congratulations to VladShutov for the amazing portrait that reminds us with its stylistic appearance and the subtle accessories to the glamor of the wild 20's.


Vlad Shutov has created an image that turns back time using only some skillful placed elements and technics. The image impressed the judges in particular by the subtle nuance of shading that supports the delicate and vulnerable character of the model and its introspective pose.

Congratulations. Not disappointed to loose out to this shot, it is excellent.

congratulations! a great image in fine art. the right first place!

a word adressed to the jurors: a founded decision cause it is a wonderful portrait, but please do not compare with art and style of the twenties in the last terms of  the history of  (photographic) lightning, the use of filters

and printing, the basic appearance was different.
Gratuluje zwycięstwa i wygranej. Wygrana należała się za tak piękne zdjęcie.



Ok, it's a good photo, but there were a lot better.

Guess it comes down to the opinion of the judges though.

Congrats I guess.