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Wifi - iTunes to CMT-G2BNiP

Wifi - iTunes to CMT-G2BNiP

I seem to have good wifi access to all of my laptops and PCs, but I have two problems:

1 - When I view the artists in iTunes it gets part way down the 'Bs' and then reveals no more.  How do I get to see (and play) the C to Zs?

  • :slight_smile: Actually just solved this myself - I was using a none standard location to store my iTunes and, having moved it back the system now sees all tracks, but the problem below is still not solved.

2 - When I scroll down to the playlists it is not finding any that are currently stored in my iTunes.  How do I get to see (and play) them or re-create them so that I can?  It does fine one call unknown with no tracks in it.

Message was edited by: acatswhisker

Message was edited by: acatswhisker