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Hi everyone,
Today, i installed the newest FW:PKG3.865.0136EUB. This could be (maybe) tho follow up of my question: "4K streaming on XD9305 via NAS..lags...impossible"
I'm sorry, if i post my issue at the wrong post/section.
Well...i do have one less issue: voice controll is back
But, there is a strange behaviour: if I connect to my AC WLAN (5Ghz)...
- it shows connected
- the router shows also connected
-=> but no connection to my NAS or any other device! That's a new feature, because with the older FWs all apps were able to access&use my NAS ( except Sony's Video app?! )
==> if I connect to the 2,4Ghz old fashion WLAN all apps are able to access&use my NAS ( except Sony's Video app?! )
- wired connection is of course still there and unusable due to the 100Mbit interface
What I did:
- FW update
- manual restart of TV & apps and router and NAS => no change
- tests with 4 other devices on the 5Ghz AC WLAN: all are working fine as expected
Is there anything else i do have to do after the FW update?
Thanks for all the advices & ideas
Risolto Andare alla soluzione.
Hi there
Considering that you have updated the firmware, I would advise you performing a factory reset. Many times this can fix issues. Instructions HERE.
Hi there
Considering that you have updated the firmware, I would advise you performing a factory reset. Many times this can fix issues. Instructions HERE.
Hi Quinnicus,
Thank you. Yes, that was the step, i did not do. Now, the apps are able to see the network devices via 5ghz (except Sony's video app).
For the other problems, i'll open new posts
Thanks once more,