
Unable to use text

I have a Sony KDL-42W653A Model and seem unable to get anything when I press the text button on the remote.I have tried three remotes two old ones which still work and my new one.I was able to use the text service yesterday so could someone advise me as to what the problem may be and tell me what I need to do,Thank's



Android sets didn’t emerge until 2015, and yours is 2013, and really belongs under ‘Other TVs’.

But never mind, unless some kind moderator comes along and moves it there.


Unplug the TV at the mains. If there is a physical On/Off button on the TV, press and hold it for at least thirty seconds. Either way, wait at least two minutes for all the electrons to die.


Reconnect it, and try again.


If still no go, consider a Factory Reset.


There are several sorts of Text services that have been withdrawn, or significantly changed, since 2013, but I guess if the button worked yesterday, it should work today, as it doesn’t seem any remaining test services have undergone change in the last 24 hours.

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