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Sony ARC to Sonos Beam

Sony ARC to Sonos Beam

Hi all, 

I am experiencing issues with my setup and hope you more experienced may be able to help. 

I have a Sony KD-75XG80xx and a Sonos Beam both purchased beginning of last year and although I found the Sonos a little tricky to set up at have been working without fault up until 2 weeks ago. 

All of a sudden and without warning the T.V audio no longer works through Sonos. 

I have done all that I know to do, Checked that HDMI Is still connected to the ARC on the T.V.

changed the HDMI cable.

removed all other equipment from T.V. 
unplugged both T.V and Sonos over night (8hours) 

Turned on T.V. only with Arc HDMI to Sonos. 
reset to factory settings on both T.V. And Sonos. 
Tested Arc HDMI with PlayStation to confirm it works.  
I am setting the tv to the following:

Speakers: Audio System

settings-display and sound - audio output: output sound from Bravia sync “on” 

sound mode sync “on” 

digital audio sync “PCM”


have I done something incorrectly? Is there anything else I should try. 

thank you 







It’s not you, it’s Sony, who have converted your Sonos from a soundbar to a fubar.


Look for a later software release, maybe only available to you via USB at present, and see if that fixes it.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…