
Kd55x8509 Hdmi issue

I have a Sony kd55x8509c android tv, I've had it just over a month now.
The setup is a sky hd box run to a hdmi splitter then one feed goes to the Sony and one to a Samsung tv
When both TVs are turned on the TVs display the same 1080i picture correctly, but if I put the Sony into standby mode the picture will stay ok,but every roughly 15 minutes the screen goes blank only for a split second then returns to normal then after a few seconds it does it again maybe once or twice. It then works ok for another 15 minutes but then the same cycle happens again. If I disconnect the hdmi lead from the Sony then fault does not occur.
If the Samsung tv is off and the Sony to is on the problem does not occur.
Before I got the android TV I had a lg and the Samsung and they works perfectly on the same system.
I can only put it down to the sony TV having activity on the hdmi port whilst in standby,is the same as when the device handshakes, it needs the hdmi routine to completely shut down until the TV is powered back on?

i have 3 hdmi splitters ( I've tried them all) and I can see by the LEDs on them that indeed it is the Sony hdmi port that's doing something whilst the TVs is in standby, the splitter shows the Sony seems to disconnect for a split second then reconnect thus the reason for a re handshake and this causes the Samsung to blank. 

I have rebooted the Sony and made sure it's the latest firmware, but no change. Google say it's a problem for Sony and Sony say to reboot the tv. 

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Nothing is in the trash folder.  Can you try again (leave out email addresses and personal info etc).  A moderator would normally not delete a post, but edit it.  Last time this happened (a while ago), it was the spam filtering...



I'll try again. It could be the fact that there was a name of a Sony CS rep which this time I'll leave out.

Below is an email from Sony CS and my response.


"Thank you for contacting Sony Support.

Please know that we do not support any kind of connections through the Spillter connection and so please try to connect the tv to the digital box directly. 

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this e-mail.


Thank you for your enquiry."


My response


I’m staggered that it’s has taken Sony Customer Services three months to come up with such a lame inane statement;


Please know that we do not support any kind of connections through the Spillter connection and so please try to connect the tv to the digital box directly.”


If this were true then it would be in the literature that is issued with each TV. As its not, and I challenge you to prove me wrong, then this comment can be construed as nothing more than a lie meant to deceive me into thinking that all is well with my TV and the splitter is at fault. Something that I and others, not just in UK but across Europe check your own Support Forum, have proved conclusively not to be the case.


Again if this were true, this would have been your answer three months ago.


It seems that I have to remind you yet again that HDMI and HDCP are international standards to which all HDMI connected products should work to. A HDMI splitter is nothing more than a HDMI connected device such as a Sony AV Receiver which these 2015 TV’s also have the same problem with. Therefore by extension of your statement I suppose that Sony don’t support connection of its own TV’s and AV Receiver’s by HDMI.


This fault ticket will remain open until you either fix it, along with all the other problems my TV is beset with, or I return it and buy one which works which by default will not be a Sony.




At least if they admitted the fault, plus all the others these TV’s have, and also that they blatantly obviously don’t know how to fix instead of trying to lie their way out they would gain some respect.

As my challenge to Sony Support has gone unanswered I believe we can arrive at the conclusion that they haven't a clue how to fix the fault and that their statement was the lie I said it was.


However I willing to be proved wrong but somehow I don't thing that's going to happen.

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Hi @m502cbk 


I really wish i can help you on this, but im honestly not sure how i can?


The only thing i can do is escalate this issue back to Sony - which im happy to do.  But im not confident if it would achieve a different outcome....

Thanks for your help as always.


Recognition of the fault would be a start.  I do not know the technical ability of Sony CS support but its not what I would call competent to deal with the task of providing technical assistance. They seem unable to even grasp that this is a repeatable defect and that these 2015 TV's are not even compatible with Sony's own other products. This problem is not limited to HDMI splitters but also AV receivers including Sony's.


For example a work colleague has another Sony 2015 model TV which the ARC doesn't work with a Sony sound bar but does with a LG one.


As stated, I have found a work-around by turning the TV off at the socket when I'm not using it which has bought it some time in my household. However as this is only one of its many faults, satellite tuner, remote freezing, switching itself off etc, its days may are definitely numbered if the forthcoming update doesn't fix it.


Now that I'm hearing rumours that the 2016 sets seem to have the same, or similar, problems then its replacement, after I return it, will be a Panasonic. I currently own two, neither of which has every had a single problem, they just work as described. 


Incidentally any update on the satellite tuning and EPG faults?

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Ill see what i can do to help and ill get back to you.



Just to prove my point about how incompetent Sony Support is, their latest response to my email has arrived.


“Thank you for contacting Sony Support. Please know as previously that we do not the support the any kind of connection using spillter, please use a direct connection when you connect the tv to the digital box .”


It’s nothing more than the regurgitated lie from their last email. You note that despite being challenged to they haven’t provided any documental prove of their statement, that’s a surprise! Also the fact that the same defect is prevalent with AV receivers including their own has been ignored again because we can only assume the responder doesn’t have an answer for that one either.


For a multinational customer support they are so abysmal it’s embarrassing.


I don’t know where in the world this support organization is based but if you have any connection to its senior management can I ask that you point them in the direction of this thread or me. If I was paying their wages I would most certainly like to know about their lack of technical knowledge, ability and integrity.


However that’s just me, maybe they have none just like their staff.

it's ridiculous through Dutch channels as well. They refer to a discussion on their SEF forum but it's more than clear they haven't got the beginning of a solution. I'm also ready for a replacement, for sure no Sony.

I've replied to their last email stating that I do not accept their response and I've asked for my complaint to escalated to whatever is their next tier of management. Will I get one?


I haven't tried the latest update yet, will report back when I have. However I'm not hopeful that it has fixed any of the defects I'm complaining of as not one update ever has.