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kd-55x8509c black strip at the bottom of the screen while playing Netflix or Youtube

kd-55x8509c black strip at the bottom of the screen while playing Netflix or Youtube

Hi there,


bit of problem since last software update on kd-55x8509c

anyone have similar problem while playing Netflix or youtube content?






Ok so its ongoing. I have a ticket open from mid last year which was never resolved detailing all the issues i mentioned, went on for about three months trying to get some meaningful response or action from them. Seen other threads mentioning all the issues including this black bar, consensus seems to be dont buy another Sony TV as they pretty much stuff them up and dont care about their customers. This is just another nail in their coffin for me. Netflix was about the only thing that was watchable, given up with Amazon video, and now looks like they have managed to break the one remaining feature i used.



I did a little digging myself and I found potentially two scenarios when this is happening, first you need to make sure your Netflix app is up to date, since last Android update my Netflix stopped updating and I had to manually force it to update via google play, it helps a little to avoid the issue, and eliminate the other problems which happens to be a poor internet connection which is caused by constant feeds and other apps trying to update. The black strip appears when Netflix downscales resolution due to poorer WIFI signal being detected, especially when you switch on your TV using Netflix button instead of on/off. Second worth checking is actual connection to Wifi and how long it take to get your TV connected to it, the longer it takes most likely it will screw Netflix app, also the indication of the strength of signal can give it away. Funny enough it is Android’s fault, since none of apps are being closed during TV shut down and what’s even worst none of them being properly refreshed after switching TV back on.
hope it helps
let’s keep fingers crossed for sony
p.s. if I knew Sony Android would be such a garbage I’d never purchased it!
not because of Sony but Android!

Hi Spectroshere,

Some good ideas there, I did do some checking on the WIFI and also had it connected to my phone as a hotspot to see if this had any impact on things and it still persited. 

The bar isn't always there and as people have siad if you go to the Guide it most of teh time seems to clear it for a while, but I'm not happy with having to mess about like this esspecially on what should be a reasonably highg end TV, (and I'm fussy too 🙂 )


I've today had a reply form Sony today and they say taht they are  investiating the issue, we'll see how long it takes. I've highlighted the fact that there are loads of people with the issue and how anoyed they are eith it and Sony.

They have also indincated that they are aware of the Amazon issues and that there will be a fix in the next update that is due soon, so it's possible that things are moving all be it very slowly...