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HDD recordings list shows empty even though HDD half full. Later the list reappears

HDD recordings list shows empty even though HDD half full. Later the list reappears

I have about 500gb of recorded programs on a 1tb HDD.

Twice now when going into the recordings list it doesn't show my recordings at all even though in the top right corner of the screen it shows about 450gb available capacity which suggests there is something on the HDD.

The list of recordings has returned after the first incident but the same has just happened again but as yet the list of my recordings is still empty.

Sony KD55A8BU with WD 1TB HDD

Now found all my recordings on a recordings error list.

Why are they all on there???

The only options are to delete recording errors.  This doesn't resolve the error. It deletes the recording.

Thankfully I only tried this with one recording.  The labeling of this function should read "Delete recording from HDD" or similar.

Anyway... Why are my recordings going on the error list?  How can I recover them?


My recordings have all reappeared again...

Recording errors can appear for various reasons such as program overlap if for example you have manually set the recording preferences to automatically add extra time to the start or finish and then set it to record two consecutive programmes.


The error list is simply a list and deleting the errors should not touch the actual recording in any way.


It can take quite a few moments for the HDD to be recognised and the contents made available when turning the set on. How disk fragmentation might affect that over time and particularly on a large HDD I've no idea.

Still finding on a regular basis that when going to recordings mode the list of recorded programmes is empty.

Also when in this state cannot schedule to record anything.

Then a few days later the recordings list is back again and can record new programmes as required.

I have a 1TB hdd connected by a USB.

Hey there, can you try to remove the HDD and register it once more without formatting it?

I would try this only concerned that by re-registering the HDD it might lose all the currently stored programmes.

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why the tv can access the HDD or not.

Really annoying as when the HDD can't be accessed I can't record new programmes or view stored ones.

The reason could be that the HDD is too large to be powered correctly by the usb port. Re-registerinng should not format it but I cannot guarantee. In any case it should give you a warning if the TV is going to format it