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Bravia Android TV 43XE8005


Bravia Android TV 43XE8005

Just spent £999 on this, specifically for BBC iplayer and other catch-up services, which John Lewis assured us were available on this model.  They will not download, despite several attempts.  Have spent hours going through all possible settings on the TV - no mention of iplayer under Problems.  Have spent hours on Sony so-called Support - no mention of iplayer under Problems.  BBC iplayer site is aware of a problem with Sony Android.  Sony must be aware of these problems but seems to be hiding from addressing the issue.  Our Samsung TV upstairs downloads BBC iplayer without a hitch.  Wake up Sony and tell me the solution  

Not applicable

Hi there


I am unsure on exactly what you are trying to do?  Can you access iPlayer on your TV?  Can you stream video content from iPlayer?


In regards to downloading content - as far as I believe, this feature is not supported on Android based TVs.  The whole point in downloading is to watch the show when you are not connected to the internet.  You're TV should be connected to your home network and internet all the time anyhow, so...


I cannot find anywhere that BBC iPlayer is aware of a problem with Sony Android based TVs?  Can you provide a link?

