Brand new $2500 AG-9 TV will not turn off

Brand new $2500 AG-9 TV will not turn off

The remote and side power buttons do nothing. I unplugged overnight and when plugged in this morning, nothing changed. TV works but won’t turn off. Everything else works, except my Dish remote lost capability of changing volume and it also can’t be used to turn off TV. Tried holding power button 15 seconds and screen says it’s powering off but then comes back on and power buttons on remote and side power buttons still do nothing. Directions I can find for factory reset do not apply to this model. 

I am about to return this TV. Surely a sign it’s a lemon. Not even two weeks old. 

Update: I resolved by factory resetting. Had to complete set up process again of course, but for now power button works. I’ve had this TV only two weeks but have exact model at another place. That one I’ve had since March and have not had any issues other than one time having to reboot it. I’m a little concerned about new TV.


second Update: Problem has repeated several hours after factory reset. Tv is connected to Dish satellite receiver. First thing we notice is Dish remote won’t control TV volume. Controls everything else except power. Pressing power button on Dish remote programmed for Sony TV doesn’t work. Then try on TV remote: power button on remote does nothing. Can’t turn off TV without factory reset. 


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Hi MSeymour,


Have you tried disconnecting everything from the back of the TV (especially the aerial/satellite cable if you have either connected to the TV's tuner), unplug the TV from the power for ~3mins to depower completely, then using it without anything connected?


This sounds like electrical interference to me, but you can also try updating the TV to the latest software version (v6.4960).


- JD

Hi Joe. Thank you for your suggestions. I tried unplugging everything from TV and unplugged power cable. Came back about thirty minutes later and reconnected. TV came on without using power button. Problems still remain. 
TV software is up-to-date. 

I contacted Crutchfield, where I bought TV and they are sending a replacement next week: the ultimate solution. 

(I’m not sure how I got on UK community board because I am in US, but I appreciate help from across the pond!)

Glad to hear that the issue is being solved from across the pond! xD