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During CES I heard a news that Sony will bring Android 6 (Marshmallow) to the 2015 TV lineup.
General News about Marshmallow on Android TV's
These news are from January.
Had anyone heard something new about this?
3.925 isn't Nougat, it is still Marshmallow...
Yes, is Marshmallow. Is my mistake!
Philips is already distributing Nougat for their MediaTek MT5890 based 2016 models.
This recent Marshmallow release is a first sign that Nougat will most likely be delayed till next yearr for Sony's MT5890/ATV1 based TVs from 2016.
As for 3.925, it fixes nothing at all for me. I already updated my bug tracker.
Whatever update they do you can guarantee they won't have addressed the fact that the video player still plays many files in the wrong ratio and that the tv will still be coming out of sleep about a hundred times a night to activate and deactivate the internet convection. Both things are crazy.
Most issues are two and a half years old.
But they are happy they solve issues on every new firmware update.
As I have mentioned in the past, they will never solve. Especially now that Quinnicus is missing and there are something like Japanese or Chinese robots giving fixed solutions.
What I know is that if a person pays to buy a device, this device must meet SPECIFICATIONS and operate flawlessly. No "we fixed" or "we will fix next firmware" no "nougat will solve" no "we are sorry to hear this" no "go to service center for software issues". 1500 or 2000 or 3000 euros are TOO MUCH nowadays.
The real problem is that many companies have the same behaviour. Even Microsoft. Destroys and fixes, destroys and fixes ......
Hey MArcd51 - how did you get JL to give you a 8307c is currently attempting to be repaired with power fed up wuth the tv as well...constant crashes and very unstable OS. I Have had it for over 12 months now so not sure what JL would offer me ?
Hi Matt , I had mine and it was just under its 1st year warranty. To cut along story short I had a he'll of a battle with Sony direct and that was not just their general customer service it was with a lady called Bridget their customer relations officer for the UK.
And BTW I had to kick off big time with Sony to get that far together with John Lewis fantastic customer service . It was a lot of hard work .Weeks worth . In the end sony tried replacing my 43X8307C with a XD83 and Bridget totaly cocked it up ... So after almost 3 months Sony gave John Lewis what they call an uplift RMA number for John Lewis Oxford Street to be able to credit me the full refund back . That's cutting it down .
Sony were just dredful I mean realy bad the worst case of customer service iv ever had ever !!!! I stuck with John Lewis all the way .John Lewis technical support was brilliant they had a tough time with Sony as well . I told John Lewis I wanted cut my losses with Sony 8 months old TV and nothing but problems after problems . Each update Sony did fix one problem and others arose. I could not record anything as my HDD would unmount after a few days .Amazon was dredful and at time unwatchable to name a few if the issues .
So after great reviews LG had I took the plunge. John Lewis also gave me as good will gesture £75 towards my new LG TV. Now I'm not say that LG and Samsung are perfect and yes they also have their fair share if faults and issues ...but no no non no way in the league that Sony Android TVs seem to suffer . Iv had my LG 49SJ800V for over a month now and nothing and I mean nothing goes wrong pretty rock solid preforomance. Recodings are perfect Netflix Amazon work perfectly. . This is all thanks to LG amazing Webos and proper Quad Core CPU !!!! It's very fast smooth and your can jump in and out of both Netflix and Amazon immediately. No errors messages it's just a very well developed and implemented OS. Full Dolby Vison surport for Netflix HLG support Dolby Atmos Surport LG pretty much surports all the very latest formats.
That's the difference with LG it's all in house they don't have to out source to a third party or use *****ty Mediatek CPU which are so hopelessly under powered . Sony should either ditch Android Platform and go and develop their own OS or just pay a decent wage and get Android OS developed correctly for their TV. ..