55XF9005 Bravia Rebooting Issue


55XF9005 Bravia Rebooting Issue

HI There,
Started having a rebooting issue yesterday. On turning on the screen goes through a continual reboot sequence (nougat). Not sure if the tv updated any software, we didn't. The tv doesn't complete the boot up sequence. We have tried a forced factory reset (3 button type) but that doesn't seem to have done anything. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to try next, Appreciate any help.


It's a good job I sent the second query as the Sony support received my wifes case but couldn't read the photocopied receipt so did nothing (not even tell us). After I sent my follow up case and called them they told me they couldnt read my wifes case and I should submit a new case with a better copy, to which I said I already had and the case no is xxx. They then said ok and after a few more questions said an engineer would call us. They did and the engineer came today, turned it on to watch it reboot again. They then took it away saying in needs a new motherboard.

What I have learned is that if the tv goes into a continual reboot sequence (even if you get into menu options etc {language, internet} and you cannot do a forced factory reset. Then it's not just a software issue but a hard failure on the motherboard and an engineer will be required.

So I have about a week to wait to see what resolved the issue. TBC.

Community Team

Hey Bluefields, great news! Good thing that you contacted the support instead of booking the service yourself as clearly you're still within warranty. 

It's a common issue with TVs in general, good thing that they're going to replace the motherboard entirely. Let us know how it goes! Fingers crossed! 


Thanks for all the responses, much appreciated. Just an update. 


Problem reported 11 Nov,

Engineer called to watch reboot 16 Nov. "Oh yes it just reboots". Took TV away.

Called for update 28 Nov, "we are awaiting parts, if not in by Thur 1 Dec we will chase Sony".
1 Dec, Eng called to say parts have arrived, but TV not tested.

Now awaiting a call to tell us if TV will be returned sometime next week.

Not applicable

Great! Then keep us updated and hopefully it gets resolved soon, cheers.