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No Text message notifications on the lockscreen XPERIA 5 II Android 11

No Text message notifications on the lockscreen XPERIA 5 II Android 11


Just got my new Xperia 5 II Android 11 and would like to have a notification TEXT message visible on the lockscreen for sms, mail, whatsapp etc...

For now I have only an icon

Tried every settings I could and some applications but with no avail...


Btw also, when I plug the usb cable to my windows 10 to trandfert music files, th phone ask me each time if I allow transfer.. How can I get rid off that ?

Thanks for your help


Not applicable

You can try to go to settings> Apps&notifications> configure notifications, you will find there an option for notifications on the lock screen, you can choose how do you want them to appear.


For allowing to transfer part, the device has to ask that every time to know if you're just going to charge the device, or you need the data to be visible to be able to transfer it.

Thank you for your help but as said I already tried every setting for the lockscreen without success...

I wonder if this is a Android 11 bug...

Does anyone with an Xperia 5 II get their notifications TEXT on the lockscreen ???

You could try using Signal for SMS.

Signal she gives you notifications when you set it to do so.

The added bonus is the perfect chat app.

Safe, very safe.

Not applicable

@ Xperia5II

Maybe if you can send a screenshot for how the notifications look on your lockscreen, I can advise if this is normal or is there something that you can change