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Some Issues all in one....


Some Issues all in one....

Hi all,

Got a few issues which are bugging me and I was just wondering if anyone has any firm advice on them.
I've searched and found lots of threads ... so many its making my head hurt so I thought I might as well create a new one relating specifically to my laptop :slight_smile:

Rather annoyed how a week after I got my laptop in october, they released the core2duo! anyway...

As you know, I changed my drive to a 7200 rpm one. for the life of me, I dont remember how the fan was before using the 5400.
The fan just does not shut up though and I'm not sure if its drive related. I've been told the heat difference is nil compared to the 5400 and to be honest, i dont fel any heat near the drive palmrest area.
Any advice?
The temp of the laptop is 50-53c and the drive being 36c.
I think this is normal?

Secondly, I know about the space bar issue on the keyboard. Does anyone find the rest of the keys lacking feedback? I was typing a long assignment yesterday and kept having to go back to words because letters were being missed. It could be tiredness but you def need to type a bit harder than you would on a normal PC keyboard.

any advice cleaning the carbon fibre top? got finger prints.

Lastly, the screen seems to have prints on it from the keys of the keyboard. They are going away after a rub with lint free cloth but nevertheless, its happening. the laptop goes ina pouch before going into a bag. How much of a risk is this to the screen itself? anyways to protect it?

Thats it i think!
