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New Sony Camera user not impressed so far

New Sony Camera user not impressed so far

Bought a Sony A6000 in the black friday sales with a £100 cashback and 1 year extended warranty, I currently use Canon DSLR's and thought the A6000 would make a great walk about/street photography camera and a good start on the mirrorless systems.


Discovered I can't claim the cashback for 30 days, Canon always let me claim cashbacks straight away, this feels a bit like a ploy in the hope that people forget, also the cashback is now showing as £50 I assume this will change once my purchase date has been entered.


Also have gone to activate my 1 year extended warranty and get:


<Message>Access Denied</Message>
So far I am not impressed, also on the camera the fact that you have to charge the battery in camera isn't great given the poor battery life, every camera I have owned with it's own custom battery has had an independant charger, I have now bought a seperate charger and spare batteries.

Hi there,


I would recommend getting in touch with support for further help regarding this here.


Best wishes,

Sean Mc